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A Holiday Dream.

The holiday season is always exciting and can easily get hectic with everything that is going on, but this year we wanted to shift the focus from the celebrations to the ones who actually make them possible.

This film is dedicated to the real heroes here! Those who do all the work during the holiday season and whose efforts often go by unseen or unappreciated: from cab drivers to nurses, and to that family member who was been cooking for dayyyys!

Cheers to you!

Cheers to you!

We love a good story, and if it has a message: even better. When writing it we wanted the story to feel close to us, and hopefully after watching the film, someone you care about instantly comes to your mind

& Lobulo

For this crazy adventure, we teamed up with our great friend and incredible artist and director Lobulo. We have so much in common in terms of creativity, humor, friendship, and narrative so diving into a hand-crafted film and writing it together was a complete joy ride

Behind the scenes

We truly had some fun working on this film and want to share this with all of you, here is a compilation of the shooting.

We have done this with so much love and with so many lovely people involved.

Infinite thanks to the incredible team of artists that joined us on this one, you are the best.


Produced by

Lobulo & Niceshit

Written and Directed

Lobulo & Niceshit

Creative Directors

Carmen Angelillo, Rodier Kidmann, Guido Lambertini & Lobulo.


Agusta Timotea

Art Directors

Rodier Kidmann, Lobulo & Carmen Angelillo.

Edit, Animatic & Storyboard

Guido Lambertini

Puppet Maker



Silvia Tack


Fernando Sotelo

1AC-Focus Puller

Tatiana Poplawski

2D Animation

Josep Bernaus & Eze Cruz

2D Eyes Animation & Tracking

Jaume Mestre, Agustin Verrastro & Romain Loubersanes


Julieta Soloaga, Yaiza Ortiz & Eze Cruz

Scale model maker

Gacy Sarubbi

3d Print


3d Modeling

Daniel Souto

3d Cut


Color grading

Alejandro Armaleo


Matias Matrogiano, Lucas Di Rago & Carmen Angelillo

Still Photography

Agusta Timotea

Music & SFX

Ambrose Yu

VO artists

Jay Preston, Meg Hensley & Jonathan Regier


Luciano Del Pópolo

BTS Music

Manu Aguilar

Shooting Chef

Matias Lomanno

Shooting Set

Manso Studio


Jenna Kirby

Special thanks to

Patricia Armada, Edi Ferreira, Aluzine, Napalm Rentals, ZigZag Rentals, Dubblelab & Ingi Guðjònsson